Become a Physiotherapist

Physiotherapists help individuals improve their body movement and function, reduce pain, manage mobility, prevent injury and enhance flexibility.

physiotherapist SalisburyNo matter your age or situation, physiotherapy can be beneficial at any point in life. It helps with back pain or sudden injuries and manages long-term conditions like arthritis.

Physical examination

As a physiotherapist Salisbury, you must conduct an exhaustive physical examination on each patient you treat. It helps identify any underlying issues causing pain, discomfort or functional limitations and provides insight into whether physiotherapy treatment could improve things for them.

Before examining the patient, you’ll take their intake form and medical history to help inform your assessment. This form also allows them to answer any queries regarding their current complaint, past medical history, and lifestyle.

You’ll use various special tests to assess the patient’s mobility and strength when performing a physical examination. These can include range-of-motion (ROM) tests as well as muscle testing.

A physiotherapist may conduct additional tests to help them diagnose whether the issue is structural, ligament, muscle, tendon, cartilage or nerve-related. These may include neurological exams, skeletal or muscular strength measurements and x-rays of the affected joint.

A physiotherapist Salisbury uses this information to form an initial diagnosis of the patient’s injury or mobility issue. They’ll then write a written therapy evaluation that incorporates all findings from the exam and sets expectations for how treatment will progress.

To make the evaluation process more straightforward, you can download a sample physical therapy evaluation to use as a template. Doing so will enable you to craft an objective assessment valid for other therapists and the patient’s insurance company.

Knowing where to begin with an evaluation may be challenging for a new PT. Your primary objective should be gathering as much information about the patient’s pain, discomfort or functional limitation so you can create a treatment plan. It should include an organised timeline of visits and anticipated outcomes – this way, patients have an accurate overview of their progress and what benefits they can expect from treatment.


A physiotherapist’s patient assessment is an integral step in the treatment process. It includes taking a detailed medical history, performing a physical examination and running tests to pinpoint what’s causing their pain or other issues.

When assessing, the therapist must take time to comprehend the patient’s problem and how it has affected their lives. It involves asking questions about past injuries, traumas, accidents, genetic conditions and family history to pinpoint what could be causing their symptoms.

When assessing a patient, it is crucial to consider any comorbidities (medical, psychological or social problems). These can impact physical health and necessitate other treatments as well.

Physiotherapists need to understand patients’ issues in-depth to provide tailored treatments tailored towards each person. It may involve using exercises, advice and self-help techniques to improve the patient’s condition.

Musculoskeletal assessments often include a muscle tension test. It involves the physiotherapist applying various positions to muscles and recording their sensitivity to movement. With this information, they can identify specific structures being stressed or compressed by these particular muscles.

Another type of assessment is a spinal examination. It involves placing one hand in the centre of a patient’s sacrum and flexing both non-weight bearing hip and knee to observe how the sacral dimple moves as the ilium rotate posteriorly. If no movement is evident, this indicates hypomobility in that region.

Physiotherapists employ a range of treatments, such as manual therapy (manipulative physiotherapy), electrotherapy and massage. Your physiotherapist will create a tailored treatment plan with exercises and techniques they believe will help you reach your objectives.

These techniques can be highly effective at relieving pain; many people find them relaxing. Furthermore, they help improve flexibility, strength and balance.

A physiotherapist Salisbury may suggest exercises you can do at home. These will be gentle and tailored to meet your individual needs and limitations.

Physiotherapy is an evidence-based healthcare profession, so your physiotherapist will draw upon the latest research to provide personalised care. They’ll also explain this evidence to you so that you can decide which treatment option is most beneficial for you.


Physiotherapists, also known as physical therapists, use their expertise to assist those suffering from injuries and illnesses to get better and move more freely. Collaborating with other healthcare professionals, physiotherapists create treatment plans that improve patient’s quality of life while relieving symptoms. To become a physiotherapist, one must complete an intensive education program and obtain special certifications.