Understanding the Basic Differences Between Ceramic and Glazed Bathroom Tiles

When choosing bathroom tiles for your new bathroom, there are several things you should consider first. These include what colour to choose, how much material you’re willing to spend on each tile, how difficult the tile will be to cut (or shape) and what types of tiles are available. All these factors affect how easy it will be to fit your bathroom with the perfect tiles. Let’s take a look at each of these areas one at a time so that you can make the best decision. Hopefully, this article will give you tips on choosing bathroom tiles that you won’t regret later.

If you’d prefer natural stone tiles for your bathroom, marble, granite, limestone, Bahia, and soapstone are all popular options in tiles-Adelaide. The most durable and hardest natural stone tiles are marbles. Marble is available in various colours, but if you want to have a truly stunning bathroom, then go for a rich shade of brown. Because it’s so difficult to stain marble, you’ll often find that it’s more suitable for use in bathrooms with lots of traffic. On the downside, marbles don’t mix well with acidic or salty materials like juices and fruit juices.

Ceramic Tiles Like ceramic tiles, clay is also popular because of its appearance and affordability. Although it’s a softer material than vitreous China, it is still very tough and durable. As a result, clay is commonly used for bathroom flooring. It’s relatively easy to shape and also offers many different colours and patterns. However, because it’s a porous material, you’ll often find that ceramic tiles can absorb a large amount of water, which is why it’s not a great choice for use in basements.

Glazed Tiles Made from a shiny, pre-glazed clay material, glazed tiles will be the most similar to marble. However, there are several differences between them. First, they tend to take on a beautiful glossy look that is impossible with ceramic tiles because they are heated up. They are slightly less porous than ceramic tiles but are still much moreso than most natural rocks because this glaze has a slightly higher risk of breaking than other glazed tiles.

Combination Tiles made from both ceramic and porcelain are becoming more widely available and offer a range of unique characteristics. Porcelain tiles do not crack or break easily, whereas ceramic tiles absorb water easily and must seal to keep their look. A combination tile has a significant absorption rate and the ability to seal to keep water out.

All these tiles have pros and cons. The final decision you have to make is whether or not they are the best choice for your home. Bathroom flooring is an area where you should put a lot of consideration and a little bit of trial and error. Don’t be afraid to mix and match styles and textures of tiles in tiles-Adelaide. However, if you find that your tiles don’t blend well together or are uncomfortable with any particular style, you must always seal the tiles so that you won’t be left with permanent staining. It might seem like a lot of work initially, but the result will be a durable and beautiful floor.